Our Popular HFMA Webinar ‘Time Studies Gone Bad’ Is Now Available in Print

We hosted a webinar with HFMA called Time Studies Gone Bad (and How To Avoid It Happening to You). Attended by hundreds in July, the hour-long program examined actual cases of time studies that had problems and what could have been done to avoid the loss of millions of dollars in CMS reimbursement and extended audits.

A few highlights from the transcript include:

  • "So zero–absolutely zero–was allowed. They had zero of the $97 million includable in their cost report for wage index…" ~ Mike Polito, p.11

  • "[I]t's amazing how you think you're doing the right thing until someone asks you to show your work."  ~ Derek Ginos, p.13

  • "The problem is that the interpretation of [CMS’s time study requirements] has been modified over time by the audits, which means that the hospitals continue to create time studies that may be less than the minimum requirements." ~ Mike Polito, p.5

  • "When [clinical staff are] not participating, it's generally because we've created too much friction, and we need to look at where we can remove that friction for them."  ~ Derek Ginos, p.16

The program was led by the following experts in administering time studies:

  • Kishau Rogers, CEO and Founder, Time Study Inc.

  • Mike Polito, Owner and Principal, Third Party Reimbursement Solutions, LLC

  • Derek Ginos, Sr. Director of Transplant and Surgery, Intermountain Health

The full transcript is now available as a 38-page PDF by clicking the button below. 


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